We are about starting and restarting communities, programs, and services for older adults. Deep experience with over three hundred-sixty life plan communities and over a third of continuing care at home programs compliments early work in acute care and active adult / resort real estate. It is humbling and stimulating to work with some of the best and brightest in the field.
Customers are the mission, market, and margin…and they are the most compelling part of the work that we do. The work of connecting the demographics, the actuarial tables, and the balance sheets to serve more people is complex and fulfilling. Translating those quantitative measurements into a compelling story that entices customers to learn more is exciting and creative. Honing and measuring those messages inspires the team and drives change and growth. There is no better proof of values than people choosing to invest their lives and their assets in your communities and services.
Almost 30 years of work alongside thousands of customers and hundreds of leaders, advisors, and trustees is enhanced by actively working in each of those roles. This experience and ongoing work provide a unique perspective on what works best… and what doesn’t. We are called to do this work, and we are called many things… team member, leader, consultant, advisor, project manager, advocate, pricing expert, coach… What we are called doesn’t matter as much as whether we add value. That is what we do best and what we would be happy to connect with you to learn more about.

A Note from Perry Aycock, President
The best of all worlds!
Perspective makes the patterns and the path clearer. One of the great parts of working with older adults is that they are ahead of us on the path and can teach us a lot about perspective. Each role has added perspective and provides understanding on how to help individuals and organizations shape their changes.
Early work as an Emergency Room tech during college, followed by being a caregiver for a loved one, provided a deep and personal connection to the structure and language of care. Being the broker-in-charge for a large active adult community brought sales, marketing, and management perspective. Helping teams reach start-up and expansion goals for continuing care retirement communities was the beginning of something new that added value, purpose, and greater meaning. Starting and restarting continuing care at home programs and their Early Advantage cousins has been a great market, mission, and margin extension.
Service as a trustee on the board of a not-for-profit Life Plan Community added understanding and clarity on responsibilities and roles as well as how to balance a history of promises with the needs of today and the goals of perpetuity. Most recently I have embraced a leadership role at The Cedars of Chapel Hill, a shining example of the equity condominium model. It is special to be able to do what I love and make a difference in the place I call home.
I feel more than fortunate to have had these experiences and am grateful they inform and improve my ability to make a difference with like-minded organizations outside of the special Chapel Hill market. These experiences have done more than inform my work, they have made me who I am. It is both humbling and call to action.